This call is now closed.
Dear readers,
We hope you and your loved ones are doing well amidst the disruptions and changes that COVID-19 has brought so suddenly into our everyday lives. These times are challenging and deeply thought provoking. How has COVID-19 changed our cities and our life in them? How are we making sense of this change? And how are we dreaming of what a post-covid city will be, should be, like?
What are your thoughts? We are inviting you to publish your reflections, ideas, fears and hopes, in a special ‘covid-response’ publication.
With POST(COVID)CARDS, we are envisioning this publication as a series of ‘postcards’: short texts of no more than 500 words, accompanied with one image, that capture what you are experiencing, thinking, dreaming of.
The impact of the pandemic is questioning some of our strongest certainties. It is forcing us to reflect on how we live, and how we will live post COVID-19; to contemplate what post-or-with-COVID cities will look like and should look like; to question what elements of urban life do we now recognise as essential, what can we not do without? A reflection on what matters, on what should matter; can COVID-19 recalibrate our compass towards a different kind of city(making)?
Send us your thoughts… Send us your postcards from yesterday, today, and tomorrow, from utopian or dystopian urban scenarios, postcards from your window, your favourite spot in the house, postcards from your journey through these extraordinary times. What is the view like?
We are looking forward to receiving and publishing postcards from as many of you, from as many places as possible. Please note the format requirements below and get in touch for any further clarification.
Take care and write back soon!
The Editors
Format requirements
– text up to 500 words
– title 35 characters (including spaces)
– author and place (please indicate where you are writing from – city, town or province)
– 1 image 750 pixels wide (photograph, drawing, visualisation, etc.)
Email us your post(covid)cards at
This is a special call outside the regular deadline-bound calls of the journal. The intention is for post(covid)cards to be received, reviewed and published on an ongoing basis, and for as long as the pandemic lasts. Updates will be promptly posted on this page.
Cover image notes: Photo by Tandem X Visuals on Unsplash
All post(covid)cards