Visualising the City
Call for Submissions
closing 20.05.2018
Cities are in many ways the materialisation of the complexity of human societies: dynamic and evolving systems, made and remade, of buildings, spaces, and streets; utility networks, technological infrastructures, and transport systems; natural resources and geological features; layers of history and fragments of memory; interconnected jobs and businesses within and across different economic scales and sectors; communities, human interaction, and cultural norms; governance structures, laws and regulations; hierarchies of power, political struggles, injustices; flows of people, aspirations, and ideas…
Cities are infinitely more than meets the eye. Yet it is what our eyes can see, for our minds to measure, that cements so much of the understanding of our world. In a quest of understanding urban complexity how do we visualise this Urban that we cannot at first see? through what tools? and how do we, in making the invisible visible, challenge established perceptions, opinions, and beliefs?
The journal is calling for submissions in text-, image-, and video-based formats, that sharpen, broaden, and challenge our ways of seeing the City, critically reflecting on the transformative potential of urban visualisations.
Deadline for submissions: 20 May 2018
Beyond the traditional text-based article format we publish work in a variety of formats and media, bringing together theory and practice in a creative, analytical, and critical discourse on the city: Short Articles, Long Articles, Letters from the City, Urban Design Projects and Proposals, Urban Interventions, Mapping and Urban Visualisations, Drawing, Photography, Short Film.
Guidelines for submissions:
Image notes: Chris Hadfield’s photograph, taken from the ISS, 200 miles above the earth, illustrates, more than two decades after the collapse of the Berlin Wall, the East-West division of the city: fluorescent lamps cause a brighter, whiter glow, in western Berlin while sodium-vapour lamps, unchanged since the Cold War, give off a softer, yellowish hue, in the eastern part.
Volume 1, no. 4 Winter 2017/18