The Future of the Countryside: VeloCity Principles in a Post-Pandemic World
– Petra Marko
There are over 10,000 villages in England, set only 2-3 miles apart and they offer an opportunity to advance a strategy which can alleviate housing pressure on the towns and turn villages into well-connected places for 21st century living.
Beauty and the beast: Confronting contrasting perceptions of nature through design
– Siân Moxon
Nature elicits potent, contrasting emotions in us, from love and awe to fear and loss of control. As we become increasingly urbanised, we are distancing ourselves from wildness…
Multi-species coexistence, COVID-19 & urban design
– Johanna Schacht and Philine von Zimmermann, TU Berlin
It remains unknown what species caused the spread of COVID-19, and where exactly it was transmitted from non-humans to humans in Wuhan, China, which …