Lockdown Landscape
– from Estefanía Piñeiros, Edinburgh, 28.08.2020
The window of one hour of exercise a day during lockdown allowed me to discover many interesting places in the vicinity of my home. Strolling around in quiet streets, with no other aim than discovering new buildings, animals, sights, faces, fences, paths and viewpoints have shown me a side of Edinburgh that I might not have had the opportunity to know if the pandemic would not have happened. Like walking, cycling enmeshes oneself in a complex network of the urban composed by mobile flows, architecture, regulatory flow artefacts and rhythms. A seemingly dormant network that with time plunges again into the vertiginous pace of the everyday. The sounds of the children, the birds and the ambulances are met gradually with the sound of aeroplanes, constructions sites and traffic. The experience of traversing the urban evokes a sequence of surfaces or vistas that create multiple paths. The image presented here is one of the snippets of these paths. Places, textures and encounters of cyclingscapes that represent the ordinary and the sublime. Small journeys that have expanded the way I experience Edinburgh. The easing of lockdown has allowed me to broaden the reach of these paths, which I plan to continue. I only wonder how far my body, the pandemic and the weather will allow me to go.